I am writing a few tips for crafters that do shows. These are a few of the things I like to do, to keep up with the competition. They are simple but sometimes forgotten.

  • Don't get stuck in a rut. Don't only make things you like. Not everyone shares your tastes. To be productive and profitable, you have to think of what others may like. For instance, I made this wreath. I threw it together with scraps I had laying around. I took it to a craft show and it was the first thing I sold. I wouldn't want it for free. I was shocked. The best part was, the woman who purchased it asked me to hold it for her for a bit. So I put a sold tag on it and kept it on my display. Would you believe I received two more orders for that nasty thing and had to go dig for stuff to make it again. So, in short you never know what people will like. You have to be versatile and willing to try new things.
  • Pay attention to new yearly styles and ideas. I like to browse magazines and even store flyers for new ideas. Some of my best sellers were things I saw in magazines, and I would say "Hey I can make that!". Then I would make it for much less and make a great profit. There is nothing wrong with seeing something someone else has made and then making it yourself. You put your own twist in it. It is like receiving a recipe. No matter how many times you make, it will always be a little different each time, and it never tastes like the original.
  • You really need to update your inventory. Selling the same thing year after year gets old quick. You have return customers who are looking for that special item that they know only you can make. They tend to find a liking to your style and creativity. They get excited when they know a show is coming up. They can't wait to see what you'll have this time. You can still keep your best sellers around. New customers are always browsing. Try making something that you usually wouldn't tackle, like crochet a baby blanket or knit a scarf. Both of those items would be a challenge for me. It would also keep you from being bored doing the same holiday crafts over and over.
  • Another tip for shows, always be courteous and smile. Talk with your customers. It lets them know you care about them and appreciate them. They will come back time after time if you are friendly. Help them find the best gift for someone, or help them in selecting a piece that will suit them. I have had customers like a certain piece but wanted it in another color. I would offer to make it for them and deliver it with in the week. They love the personal service and the care you give them. They are more likely to tell friends and family about that beautiful floral arrangement you made, when you are nice to them. Customer service is key to having a great business.
All this crafting, and writing about it, is really getting me in the mood to do shows again. If I decide to embark on this endeavor again, I will need to find some shows to participate in. Some shows are easy to get in. For instance, local schools and charitable organizations do them as fund raisers. They are easy to get in because they are not always juried. They are usually on a first come first serve basis. The larger juried craft shows can be tough. The organization hosting it will basically judge your work on originality, creativity, and presentation. It usually costs more to be in this type of show, but it is worth it. They tend to draw in a larger crowd and you have the potential for greater profits.

One of my favorite art and craft shows to attend (shop) is the "Christmas in the Country" arts and crafts show in Hamburg, New York. It is spectacular. I was in heaven walking through it. They hold over 400 vendors in 3 different buildings. You need to make a day of it to enjoy everything they have to offer. I never applied for this show (yet) but I know there is a waiting list. I think I should start out small, don't want to be overwhelmed.

For some great craft show information. You should check out the Sunshine Artist Magazine.They give tons of information that every crafter should read, especially if you are doing this as a business. I find it very helpful and full of information. I enjoy reading the reviews for the art and craft shows, and scanning the listings of show dates. If you have any questions for me please leave a comment. I would love to help if I can. Have fun crafting and selling!